
The latest news from DLR Projektträger.

Event: Regional Conference – The Smart City Strategy becomes a reality

Event: Regional Conference – The Smart City Strategy becomes a reality

Knowledge transfer between the Model Projects Smart Cities (MPSC) and all municipalities interested in the topic of smart cities will enter the next round on the 22nd November. The regional conference for northern Germany is organised by the Coordination and Transfer Office for Smart Cities Model Projects (KTS), which is part of DLR Projektträger.

8th November 2022
Launch of EMiN network – bringing "EU missions" together for success

Launch of EMiN network – bringing "EU missions" together for success

The EU has set itself ambitious goals with its "missions" in order to master current challenges such as climate change. To ensure that this succeeds in all EU Member States, the "European Missions Network"(EMiN) is being set up under the leadership of DLR Projektträger. The kick-off took place in Brussels on the 19th October.

7th November 2022
DLR Projektträger's expertise on the future of quantum computing in demand

DLR Projektträger's expertise on the future of quantum computing in demand

Quantum computing can make a substantial contribution to solving current problems – this was demonstrated at this year's "Futuras in Res" conference: The Quantum Breakthrough. DLR Projektträger, whose staff contributed their expertise at the event, has its finger on the pulse of research with its software-focused funding topics.

2nd November 2022
Event: Brussels FutureTalks „Urban Diplomacy“

Event: Brussels FutureTalks „Urban Diplomacy“

Brussels: FutureTalks, the series of events organised by the DLR Projektträger’s Brussels office, is going into the next round on 8 November. The workshop on Urban Diplomacy: Cities as Partners & Innovators in Diplomacy? will bring together experts and practitioners from cities, politics, networks and the UN.

28th October 2022
Green Talents 2022 on virtual tour in Germany

Green Talents 2022 on virtual tour in Germany

For the 14th time, the BMBF is honouring 25 outstanding young researchers for their forward-looking contributions to greater sustainability with the Green Talents Award. The research tour of the award winners, which starts today, takes place as a virtual Science Forum, designed and organised by the DLR Projektträger.

19th October 2022
Strategic Foresight for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Strategic Foresight for the UN Sustainable Development Goals

How can Strategic Foresight be used to achieve the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals? DLR Projektträger experts discussed these and other questions with international partners at the Science Summit of the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

5th October 2022
Fit for the future – Strategic foresight at the UNGA77 Science Summit

Fit for the future – Strategic foresight at the UNGA77 Science Summit

The UNGA77 Science Summit takes place until the 30th September 2022. Thousands of stakeholders are to meet at this United Nations Science Summit in order to come closer to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With a session on "Strategic Foresight", DLR Projektträger is contributing to the success of the global conference.

14th September 2022
Cooperation Platforms 2022 – strengthening knowledge transfer in NRW

Cooperation Platforms 2022 – strengthening knowledge transfer in NRW

Strategic cooperation is crucial to triggering innovation. DLR Projektträger is assuming the project sponsorship "Cooperation Platforms 2022" on behalf of North Rhine-Westphalia’s Ministry of Culture and Science and, with this assignment, is further advancing the reorientation of research funding in NRW towards transferring knowledge into practice.

2nd September 2022
DLR Projektträger – industrial expertise at Gamescom

DLR Projektträger – industrial expertise at Gamescom

There is more to games than just entertainment. Other industries also benefit from the innovative power of the computer games industry. DLR Projektträger is the only project management organisation in Germany that deals with the promotion of computer games. It is currently represented with its expertise at Gamescom.

24th August 2022
Transfer in health research - explained in four minutes

Transfer in health research - explained in four minutes

It often takes years before patients benefit from new scientific findings. The path from the laboratory to the bedside is called transfer. A short animated film now sums up the steps characterising this complex process. DLR Projektträger was closely involved in producing the film on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

15th August 2022
DLR Projektträger organises "Digital Technology Days" 2022

DLR Projektträger organises "Digital Technology Days" 2022

Climate protection, a resilient economy and its ecological transformation are current topics that will be the focus of the upcoming "Days of Digital Technologies" in Berlin. This is the third time that DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is organising the congress for the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).

11th August 2022
Germany has an Open Educational Resources (OER) strategy

Germany has an Open Educational Resources (OER) strategy

On the 29th July, Dr Jens Brandenburg, Parliamentary State Secretary of Federal Ministry of Education and Research (the BMBF), presented the OER strategy in Frankfurt. Over the next few years, Open Educational Resources are to be systematically expanded and promoted. DLR Projektträger was significantly involved in the development of the strategy.

1st August 2022
Quality in preclinical research: survey among research funders

Quality in preclinical research: survey among research funders

Are the guiding principles of clinical trials also suitable for preclinical research projects? That is what the EViR funders’ forum now aims to examine. As a member of the Preclinical Research Working Group, DLR Projektträger has helped to develop a questionnaire for this purpose.

27th July 2022
National Dialogue on Synergies platform arouses interest throughout Europa

National Dialogue on Synergies platform arouses interest throughout Europa

Synergies are a strategic tool that can help Europe become greener, more digital and more resilient. With the "National Dialogue on Synergies", a unique multi-level platform with a Europe-wide role model function, DLR Projektträger is already contributing to these goals on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

19th July 2022
Closing the knowledge gap between research and marketability

Closing the knowledge gap between research and marketability

The path from an innovative idea to approval of a new drug is often a long one. The European Union-funded STARS consortium has now published tangible recommendations to help bridging the gap between research and regulatory authorities. DLR Projektträger has played a key role in supporting all phases of the project.

12th July 2022
80 million euros for the further development of electromobility

80 million euros for the further development of electromobility

With the implementation of the funding guideline "Elektro-Mobil", DLR Projektträger, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), has been actively shaping the transport and energy transition for many years. Now the BMWK has published another funding call for the further development of electromobility.

8th July 2022
A boost for Dresden as a business location

A boost for Dresden as a business location

Saxony plays an important role in the German research, education and innovation landscape. Few European locations conduct research as intensively as Dresden. DLR Projektträger moved into its premises in the state capital a year ago and, as a partner of state politics, has been giving the region an additional boost ever since.

4th July 2022
Improving health care – a new call for funding on topical issues

Improving health care – a new call for funding on topical issues

Climate change and health, digital solutions for better patient treatment, the further development of selected medical treatment guidelines: The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) wants to further advance medical care with new funding announcements. Their implementation is the responsibility of DLR Projektträger.

30th June 2022
Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2022 approved by Cabinet

Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2022 approved by Cabinet

On the 22nd June, Germany’s Federal Cabinet approved the new Federal Report on Research and Innovation (BuFI). Every two years, the report provides information on the structures, priorities and goals of German research and innovation policy. DLR Projektträger is largely responsible for the editing and process control of the BuFi.

28th June 2022
Premiere in Brussels – DLR Projektträger presents "Foresight Navigator”

Premiere in Brussels – DLR Projektträger presents "Foresight Navigator”

DLR Projektträger has presented the new "Foresight Navigator" to the European Committee of the Regions. With this, it was once again able to demonstrate its expertise in methods for what is known as the smart specialisation of regions in combination with strategic foresight processes.

27th June 2022
DLR Projektträger develops future trends for the Western Balkans

DLR Projektträger develops future trends for the Western Balkans

An education offensive, an economic union with China, pro-European protests? Various scenarios are conceivable for the Western Balkans. At this year's executive seminar for security policy of the Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS), DLR Projektträger took a look at the future of the region with the help of the foresight method.

22nd June 2022
G7 Science Ministers' Meeting – DLR Projektträger contributes to success

G7 Science Ministers' Meeting – DLR Projektträger contributes to success

Freedom of science, research to combat climate change and post-covid – not only was DLR Projektträger able to contribute valuable content to the agenda of the meeting of G7 science ministers, it also helped organise the meeting.

22nd June 2022
Conference looks at the future of local education landscapes

Conference looks at the future of local education landscapes

Titled "Shaping educational landscapes –", the 5th Federal Conference on Educational Management took place on the EUREF Campus in Berlin on the 2nd and 3rd June 2022. Over 700 people from politics, education research and practice as well as civil society shared ideas at the event organised by DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT).

9th June 2022
DLR Projektträger takes "Plastic Pirates" to other European countries

DLR Projektträger takes "Plastic Pirates" to other European countries

Official kick-off – since the 1st June 2022, the "Plastic Pirates", already successful in Germany, have also been available to research plastic waste in flowing waters in other countries. DLR Projektträger, which oversees the initiative in Germany’s Education and Research Ministry, is now coordinating its implementation at European level, too.

3rd June 2022