
The latest news from DLR Projektträger.

Green Talents 2021 again on a virtual tour of Germany

Green Talents 2021 again on a virtual tour of Germany

For the 13th time, the BMBF is conferring the Green Talents Award to 25 young researchers who contribute to the sustainable development of society and their countries. The research tour of the award winners, which starts today, will take place as a virtual Science Forum designed and organised by the DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT).

7th October 2021
Innovation fund to boost healthcare

Innovation fund to boost healthcare

For the second time, the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) has been commissioned to implement funding measures contributing to better care for Germany’s more than 70 million people with statutory health insurance. For this purpose, the Innovation Committee at the Federal Joint Committee will provide 200 million euros annually until 2024.

27th September 2021
DLR-PT coordinating German participation in the "IPCEI Industrial Cloud"

DLR-PT coordinating German participation in the "IPCEI Industrial Cloud"

Large companies and SMEs alike are participating in a European megaproject on cloud infrastructure for industry. The DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT), together with the VDI Technology Centre, is coordinating German participation in the "IPCEI Industrial Cloud", which the German government is supporting with 750 million euros.

22nd September 2021
Expert from DLR-PT representing Cluster Medizin.NRW at Pharmadialog NRW

Expert from DLR-PT representing Cluster Medizin.NRW at Pharmadialog NRW

The NRW Ministry of Science has appointed Dr Patrick Guidato, Manager of the Cluster Medizin.NRW and Scientific Officer in the Health Division of the DLR Project Management Agence (DLR-PT), as an expert for the Clinical Trials Working Group in Pharmadialog NRW, which plays a role in strengthening sustainable pharmaceutical supplies in NRW.

22nd September 2021
Between Science and Fiction – a conference of the FutureWork Project

Between Science and Fiction – a conference of the FutureWork Project

What will the working world look like in 2100 affect it? Scenarios developed by the FutureWork project, to which the DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT) contributes its labour research expertise, will be presented, discussed and streamed at the conference "Work the day after tomorrow – between science and fiction" on the 17th and 18th September.

17th September 2021
Eurostars 3 – SME funding programme launched

Eurostars 3 – SME funding programme launched

The successful Eurostars programme is entering its third phase, with "Eurostars 3" funding bi- and multilateral R&D projects of innovative SMEs and their partners up to 2027. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is managing the programme and supporting German applicants.

17th September 2021
"Leave no one behind" -DLR-PT Director Klaus Uckel at the UN Science Summit

"Leave no one behind" -DLR-PT Director Klaus Uckel at the UN Science Summit

Around 20,000 stakeholders are meeting in September for the UNGA76 Science Summit to discuss how science can improve collaboration on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? The DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT) is organising two workshops. DLR-PT Executive Director Klaus Uckel spoke at the opening session on the 14th September.

16th September 2021
DLR Projektträger plays at Gamescom

DLR Projektträger plays at Gamescom

Advanced-level funding advice – a team from DLR Projektträger (DLR Project Management Agency – DLR-PT) is to take part in Gamescom 2021 with avatars of its own to advise on Federal computer games funding. With this mission, the team is breaking new ground in customer dialogue: professional in content, creative and target group-oriented in form.

24th August 2021
New Red Lists – amphibians and reptiles threatened in Germany

New Red Lists – amphibians and reptiles threatened in Germany

Together with the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), the Red List Centre, based at the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT), has published the new Red Lists of amphibians and reptiles. The new lists show that every second amphibian species examined is endangered, with the proportion of reptiles even higher, at almost 70 per cent.

18th August 2021
Pollutants in the atmosphere - launch of the ACTRIS-D funding measure

Pollutants in the atmosphere - launch of the ACTRIS-D funding measure

Greenhouse gases, particulate matter, trace gases and cloud formation all come into play in climate change and its dynamics. The German contribution to the EU research infrastructure ACTRIS will investigate these components. The DLR-PT is responsible for project management.

12th August 2021
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns of increased risks

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns of increased risks

On the 9th August 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) presented the first volume of its Sixth Assessment Report. The DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) was involved in the adoption of the report with the German IPCC Coordination Unit.

9th August 2021
Gender Aspects in Focus

Gender Aspects in Focus

Excellent research requires a gender-sensitive approach. The funding guideline Gender Aspects in Focus of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) deals with questions relating to the systematic integration of the gender dimension in scientific work. The DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is assisting the BMBF with implementation.

5th August 2021
AI for crisis management – four projects selected for funding

AI for crisis management – four projects selected for funding

As part of the Artificial Intelligence Innovation Competition (AI Innovation Competition), the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is funding four new research projects. These will develop and test AI applications in the context of pandemics and other crisis events. The DLR Projektträger is in charge of the technology programme.

2nd August 2021
DLR consortium led by DLR-PT wins contract for "Smart Cities”

DLR consortium led by DLR-PT wins contract for "Smart Cities”

Under the leadership of the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT), the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has successfully applied for the establishment and supervision of the Smart Cities Coordination and Transfer Office (KTS). On behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI), the KTS will support German municipalities.

15th July 2021
Transformation pathways for sustainable universities

Transformation pathways for sustainable universities

With the Sustainability in Science Initiative (SISI), the BMBF is promoting the transformation of the science system. Starting in 2022, projects will be considered that develop and test concrete transformation paths for sustainable universities. The DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is on board as a contractor for the implementation of this initiative.

14th July 2021
Digital Now – funding doubled for current year

Digital Now – funding doubled for current year

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is significantly increasing its Digital Now investment grant programme. In order to support even more small and medium-sized enterprises in digitisation in the future, funding for measures managed by the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) will be raised to almost 250 million euros by 2024.

2nd July 2021