
We make research visible, accessible and democratic
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Our aim is to present science in an understandable way and to make scientific methods transparent. What strategies and partners are needed to achieve this? And which formats are suitable for specific communication content and target groups? Our specialised communication teams provide comprehensive advice and develop tailor-made measures.

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Science communication

Together with our clients, we shape the future and build bridges between science and the public.

Targeted and high-quality science communication and the participation of citizens in research processes and research policy help to raise awareness of the relevance of science, strengthen trust in science and create an informed public.

Our team at the Centre of Expertise for Science Communication has many years of extensive expertise in the dialogue between research and society, as well as in participation and citizen science. Our core competencies also include project funding and the management of large-scale communication campaigns.

Our range of services:

  • We advise on all aspects of participation in science and research.
  • We develop strategies to strengthen science communication and participation in research policy and research.
  • We build and maintain networks and manage complex multi-stakeholder processes.
  • We develop and implement target group-specific formats for dialogue-oriented communication between researchers and different societal target groups.
  • We draft funding guidelines, provide project funding in the Divisions of Science Communication and Participation, and implement exchange and networking formats.
  • We work closely with the specialist departments of the DLR Projektträger and with the Centre of Expertise for Public Relations and the Centre of Expertise Analyses, Studies and Evaluations. This enables us to provide comprehensive support for complex projects.

For questions about science communication, please contact:

Dr Franka Ostertag
Phone: +49 30 67055 786

Specialist communication

The specialist departments of the DLR Projektträger understand the depth of technically complex topics, and can therefore penetrate content and prepare it appropriately for all communication channels. Our concept for success features that our communication experts contribute not only journalistic expertise but also their own research expertise. And to ensure that our expertise remains up to date, we work in changing teams with the DLR Projektträger's scientific advisors, for good communication must be understandable – and at the same time technically correct. That is our claim.

The special teams are integrated into the five DLR Projektträger departments: European and International Cooperation – Health – Society, Innovation, Technology – Education, Gender – Environment and Sustainability. Their breadth and proximity to research distinguish them from PR or advertising agencies. We are familiar with the measures and projects of our clients down to the last detail. This enables us to provide them with optimal advice on the strategic orientation of their specialised communication and to develop customised concepts from a single source – from the analysis of target groups to professional implementation in all communication channels.

Our spectrum includes:

  • strategically conceived specialised communication for funding programmes
  • the preparation of speeches, press releases, background papers and press conferences
  • editing of specialised websites, newsletters and brochures
  • support for social media activities
  • interactive maps illustrating research landscapes and their benefits for people
  • films and explanatory videos that bring complex issues to the point in an understandable way.

If you have any questions about technical communication, please contact the following persons:

Romy Wörmann
European and International Cooperation
Phone.: +49 228 3821 1391
E-mail: romy.woermann­
Lisa Eidam-Hüls
Education, Gender

Phone: +49 228 3821 2087
Evelyn Stahl
Society, Innovation, Technology

Phone: +49 228 3821 2706
Ursula Porwol
Tel.: +49 228 3821 1289
Britta Paul
Environment and Sustainability
Phone: +49 228 3821 2101
Nadine Müller
Centre of Expertise for Public Relations
Phone: +49 228 3821 2029

Public Relations

The Centre of Expertise for Public Relations is available to all DLR Projektträger departments as an in-house agency – with comprehensive services covering all aspects of communication, press and public relations: it develops project-related design and event concepts and makes content visible to the public – as text in a brochure, as a website or via presentations at conferences.

Four teams of the Centres of Expertise cover the main areas of design, online, text and events.

Their portfolio includes:

  • Concepts for visual language, logos and lettering, corporate design
  • Layout of brochures, flyers and websites
  • Conception, design, further development and relaunch of websites and Internet portals, including content creation and SEO
  • Conception, editing and proofreading of print and online media
  • Development of communication concepts and campaigns
  • Event management: conception, organisation and implementation of seminars, workshops and major events in virtual, hybrid and presence formats

If you have any questions about our public relations services, please contact:

Kathrin Stratmann
Phone: +49 228 3821 2002