Analysis, studies and evaluations

Assessing today – improving tomorrow
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AI, digitalisation, health – we analyse and evaluate long-term developments at regional or global level, in specific sectors or markets. Based on these analyses, we provide you with sound assessments on how to competently and confidently deal with the challenges.

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Technological insights are important. But they are not enough for us. We also want to recognise the consequences of possible application scenarios. The DLR Projektträger uses the advantage of its thematic scope – the largest of all project management organisations in Germany – to investigate interrelationships in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary manner.

This means that we never look at challenges for the economy and society in isolation. Sustainable management can only succeed where the consequences are part of the consideration from the most diverse perspectives. We think holistically and provide our clients with coherent strategies and concepts for action in order to respond optimally to current challenges. We are involved in the development of funding programmes from the very beginning. We manage their implementation and find out how they work – in order to identify how they can be optimised. Success monitoring is an important part of our services.

Our analyses focus on large funding strategies and programmes as well as on specific instruments and measures. We help our clients to answer important questions:

  • What must new research funding initiatives, programmes or individual measures look like in order to be successful?
  • Which political, technical and/or legal requirements must be taken into account?
  • Which developments at the political, economic, scientific and social levels have an influence on funding?
  • Where is urgent action needed?

We create the basis for decisions

We develop the research approach that best answers these and other questions and thus create the basis for trend-setting decisions. In doing so, we draw on a wide range of methods and combine approaches as needed – even in complex contexts.

Our services:

  • identification, collection and analysis of meaningful parameters and data for the evaluation of trends
  • observation and evaluation of international developments in education, research and innovation
  • alignment of clients' political strategies with target groups and needs
  • analysis of opportunities and potentials of national and international funding instruments
  • implementation of accompanying research for public and private funding programmes
  • evaluation of measures, programmes and institutions
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Your contact person

For questions regarding our service module Analysis, Studies and Evaluations, please contact: