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key visual Bereich Gesundheit


Commitment to research and care
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Competence and experience in health research – that's what we stand for with our experts. With our proven interdisciplinary expertise, we contribute to the success of health research and support the further development of the healthcare system.

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Detecting diseases earlier, treating them in a more targeted manner and preventing them in the future – research and innovations in medicine are indispensable prerequisites for this. In the Health Division of the DLR Projektträger DLR-PT), we support Federal and State ministries, the European Commission, foundations and institutions such as the Federal Joint Committee with regard to health research projects and the further development of the medical care system.

Funding measures: careful planning – successful completion

As a "full-service project management agency", we are optimally positioned and offer you a wide range of services, from the conception of your funding measure to its conclusion:

  • We monitor developments in health research and in the healthcare system, identify relevant research and funding needs in health research for you and offer strategic analyses and advice.
  • We develop customised funding instruments and selection procedures for your research initiatives and are familiar with the elements and hurdles of the value chain in health research.
  • We are aware of the opportunities for patient participation and offer a variety of formats for involvement.
  • We provide client- and research-oriented management of funding projects.
  • We implement monitoring and evaluation processes for you to control and assess funding measures.
  • We communicate the successes of funding to the public.

Broad technical expertise

DLR-PT's Health Division employs experts from disciplines such as biology, medicine, pharmacy, psychology, nutrition and sports sciences, communication and social sciences. We have extensive expertise in genome research and systems medicine, clinical research and digital medicine, epidemiology and health services research, medical ethics and specialist communication, as well as in international health research.

Closely networked – nationally and internationally

Often, progress in research can only be achieved in close exchange with researchers as well as relevant actors from politics, health care and other funders – within Germany and worldwide.
Our experts in the field of health are optimally networked for this purpose. We work as the office of the Federal Government's Health Research Forum and develop recommendations on the pressing issues of health research in Germany. We know the situation of relevant interest groups and the medical faculties in Germany from the inside and act in pan-European as well as international cooperation among health research funding organisations.

Broad range of topics and funding instruments supported

The funding initiatives in which we are involved on behalf of our clients are thematically and structurally broad:

At the national level, for example, we implement an extensive portfolio of funding measures within the Health Research Framework Programme for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The current framework programme outlines strategic research orientation until 2028, with the guiding principles being "people at the centre" as well as personalisation and digitisation. For example, we were significantly involved in the conception and implementation of the BMBF's medical informatics initiative, which creates the basis for the secure exchange of medical data. All German university hospitals are involved in this initiative as well as other research institutions; in addition, regional partners from outpatient care are networking.
In response to the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, we were a central partner of the Federal Government and supported it in implementing its research offensives.

For the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), we support the departmental research of about 40 specialist units. Current fields of action of BMG departmental research are, for example, demographic change and care, health literacy and patient orientation, healthcare or health promotion and prevention.

We also promote innovations in healthcare for the Federal Joint Committee of the Federal Government and support the Innovation Fund. This new health policy instrument promotes application-oriented projects on new forms of health care and health services research.

In addition, we are active in numerous pan-European initiatives for our clients through the research framework programme "Horizon Europe" and support global funding measures. Our National Contact Point Health provides information and advice to German institutions on European funding opportunities and works in close cooperation with the BMBF and the EU Commission.

For the German Federal States, for example, we manage the Cluster Medizin.NRW for the Ministry of Culture and Science in North Rhine-Westphalia and contribute to closely networking research, business and politics in North Rhine-Westphalia.

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References from the Division Health

News from the Division Health

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