The future is written here

Research, innovation, education: The DLR Projektträger supports stakeholders from politics, science, industry and educational institutions with a wide range of services.

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Leading the way – the office of the Science Platform on Climate Protection

Leading the way – the office of the Science Platform on Climate Protection

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Selected research institutions of the natural and social sciences, law, economics and engineering worked together on an interdisciplinary basis. They engaged in regular dialogue with science, civil society and politics in order to help achieve international, European and national climate protection goals. 

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How DLR Projektträger helps making cities smart and sustainable

How DLR Projektträger helps making cities smart and sustainable

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What makes cities and regions liveable and attractive, and at the same time smart and sustainable and fit for the future? With its expertise in smart cities, DLR Projektträger can help answering these questions – and work together with local stakeholders to implement solutions for sustainable and integrated urban development.

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DLR Projektträger promotes progress in the computer games industry

DLR Projektträger promotes progress in the computer games industry

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The games industry has long since become a key player and innovation driver in the creative industries. Since 2019, the German government has been supporting computer games development with a funding programme that DLR Projektträger has been implementing from the very beginning. This makes it the only project management agency in Germany.

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For better medical care – Innovation Fund sets impulses

For better medical care – Innovation Fund sets impulses

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Boosting medical care for the more than 70 million people with statutory health insurance in Germany – this is what the projects of the Innovation Fund at the G-BA are all about. DLR-PT has been ministered the implementation of the numerous projects since 2016.

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The digital future of the economy

The digital future of the economy

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Addressing digital future topics at an early stage, accelerating the transfer of scientific results to market-oriented cutting-edge technologies – on behalf of the BMWi, the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) designs and supports funding measures that advance digital transformation.

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Matchmaking with strategy: the International Bureau

Matchmaking with strategy: the International Bureau

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How can international cooperation on climate change or artificial intelligence be made sustainable and effective? We advise politics, research and business, develop strategies and measures for global networking with them – and implement them.

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Medical informatics: Strengthening research and advancing health care

Medical informatics: Strengthening research and advancing health care

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DLR-PT has supported the Federal Ministry of Education and Research-BMBF in developing the funding concept for the Medical Informatics Initiative and is accompanying the implementation of this forward-looking large-scale project. The aim is to enable the exchange and cross-location use of medical data and thus also to advance personalised medicine.

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Global initiatives against antibiotic resistance

Global initiatives against antibiotic resistance

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Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are an increasing threat to global health. To counteract this danger, antibiotics should be used more sparingly, and new drugs should be developed. The German government is pursuing these goals with major international initiatives -– supported by the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT).

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International Service Facility of the European Commission

International Service Facility of the European Commission

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Europe benefits from research cooperation with non-EU countries. That is why it is the task of DLR Projektträger to inform, train and network researchers and multipliers worldwide and to promote the EU as an attractive research location on behalf of the International Service Facility.

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Red Lists of the Animals, Plants and Fungi of Germany

Red Lists of the Animals, Plants and Fungi of Germany

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Red Lists document the endangerment of native species on a scientific basis and in condensed form. They are data sources for legislative measures, argumentation aids for environmentally relevant planning and show the urgent need for action in species protection. The Red List Centre is operated by the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT).

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Public relations in context of project sponsorship by the EU-Bureau (BMBF)

Public relations in context of project sponsorship by the EU-Bureau (BMBF)

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The Centre of Expertise for Public Relations advises and supports the DLR Projektträger in all PR-related topics. One particular challenge was the implementation of the German EU Council Presidency 2020 under COVID-19conditions.

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Framework Programme Empirical Educational Research

Framework Programme Empirical Educational Research

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Creating knowledge in order to improve practice in educational institutions and further develop the education system on a scientific basis - that is the aim of the Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research. In this way, we can promote each individuals’ opportunities for educational and social participation in the best possible way.

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Culture makes you strong

Culture makes you strong

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In Germany, social background and educational success are still closely linked. In order to provide children and young people with good educational opportunities and enable them to participate in society, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports extracurricular cultural education projects.

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Framework Programme for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Framework Programme for the Humanities and Social Sciences

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The humanities and social sciences play a key role in shaping our future. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) provides scholars scope to conduct innovative research, thus strengthening the potential of the humanities and social sciences.

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Integration through education

Integration through education

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Education is the key to integration and social participation. How this can be achieved is being discussed in a nationwide dialogue forum and researched in the ESF Plus programme "Integration through Education". DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) was commissioned with the conception and organisation.

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Focus on innovative women

Focus on innovative women

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Improving the opportunities for women in research – DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) supports the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in this project. Among other things, it is about the visibility and presence of women’s academic achievements and ideas.

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Research institutions in NRW sharpen profiles and strengthen networks

Research institutions in NRW sharpen profiles and strengthen networks

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DLR Projektträger is supporting the State of NRW in promoting research. With the announcements "Profilbildung", "Netzwerke" and "Kooperationsplattformen", universities and research institutions can develop innovative research topics, set new priorities and advance existing networks and cooperation schemes.

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Bringing knowledge to the global market faster

Bringing knowledge to the global market faster

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How can innovations from research and development find their way into applications as quickly as possible? This question is not only crucial for Germany's competitiveness. Internationally, too, DLR Projektträger attaches great importance to accompanying projects beyond the funding stage until they are ready for the market.

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The research offensive against SARS-CoV-2

The research offensive against SARS-CoV-2

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In the fight against Covid-19, staff of the DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) supported the German government in key funding programmes. Milestones included the development of a vaccine by the company BioNTech, the networking of German university hospitals in the University Medicine Network and the rapid realisation of important research projects.

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European cooperation in education, research and innovation

European cooperation in education, research and innovation

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The EU-Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) offers services related to policy areas, programmes and projects of the EU. It helps to ensure that German actors find ideal political framework conditions and practice-oriented regulations in the EU. In this way, funding opportunities can also be used intensively in Germany.

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Synergy Dialogue: Exploiting synergies between funding programmes

Synergy Dialogue: Exploiting synergies between funding programmes

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How can different funding programmes that contribute to a common goal be used efficiently to accelerate innovations that make Europe greener, more digital and more resilient? With the "Synergy Dialogue", DLR Projektträger operates an instrument on behalf of the BMBF that helps to do just that and serves as a model for the whole of Europe.

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Strategic Foresight

Strategic Foresight

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Predicting the future? DLR Projektträger approaches this goal with the method of "Strategic Foresight". We develop future scenarios that provide a sound basis for long-term decisions – and thus help to master pressing challenges.

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Fighting antisemitism, right-wing extremism and racism

Fighting antisemitism, right-wing extremism and racism

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Radicalisation, racism and extremism threaten social cohesion. DLR Projektträger is implementing several funding measures on behalf of the BMBF with the aim of uncovering the background to these tendencies and deriving options for action.

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Germany’s G7 Presidency 2022 – highlighting shared values

Germany’s G7 Presidency 2022 – highlighting shared values

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Only together we can solve the biggest challenges of our time. Research and innovation are central to progress. Since Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, partnerships with countries that share our values have become even more important. This was agreed by the G7 science ministers at their meeting, which was supported by DLR Projektträger.