SMEs for innovative climate protection – from research to practice
As drivers of technological progress, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make an enormous contribution to achieving the German government's climate goals. By 2030, climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by at least 65 percent (compared to 1990) in order to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. This requires new and innovative approaches. SMEs pioneer new processes, services and products and bring them to the markets after completing their research. They create innovations that increase energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions or enable adaptation to climate change. They therefore also make an important contribution to the "German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change".
As DLR Projektträger, we therefore support and advise our client, the BMBF, in the conception, design and implementation of the funding measure "KMU-innovativ" in the thematic fields of "Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection" and "Information and Communication Technology". From our many years of practical experience, we know the special prerequisites, framework conditions and needs of SMEs and incorporate this knowledge into the further development of SME-specific funding instruments.
Technological progress enables more consistent climate protection
Within our mandate, we identify novel, cross-technology and application-related projects and supervise their implementation. Based on our experience, we know the success factors of projects, can provide precise advice when developing the project idea and thus also increase the chances of success and transfer. Among other things, we advise on the network structure (e.g. on the inclusion of application partners) in order to enable the later economic utilisation and dissemination of the project idea. The more the developed solution is used, the greater the climate protection effect. By providing intensive support for the projects, we enable SMEs, especially those that are inexperienced in funding, to take bold steps towards innovative climate protection projects. With their often very specific expertise, small and medium-sized enterprises make important contributions to climate protection in various sectors, from industry to buildings and transport to agriculture. We introduce them to research and development and strengthen their innovative capacity.
The "LEGOLAS" project, for example, researched and developed a combined blow-off and suction device for surface finishing operations where components to be coated are processed manually. In addition to lowering the energy consumption of the hall suction in electroplating, it was also possible to protect employees from toxic chromic acid vapours. The process has proven to be marketable, as the project's application partners have already decided to equip their treatment tanks for electroplating with the innovative device.
Direct Contributions to German climate strategies
One example from a completely different sector is the "PlasmaWood" project. In this project, an environmentally friendly and long-term stable surface treatment of wooden facades with low-pressure plasma is being researched in order to increase their resistance and to make wood as a CO2 -neutral substance more climate-friendly and attractive for use in the building sector.
There is great potential for climate protection in the diversity and market orientation of SME developments. DLR Projektträger supports the BMBF in exploiting this potential and thus accelerating the transfer from research into innovative products and practical application.
In this way, we are making a direct contribution to the implementation of the "Climate Protection Programme 2030", the "Climate Protection Plan 2050" and the German Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change.