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Technological Sovereignty in Germany and Europe

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With its intensive and resilient national and international connections, DLR Projektträger has been supporting the BMBF at European and international level for years – as a partner, advisor and catalyst.

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In view of the current crises, it is more important than ever to secure the technological sovereignty and competitiveness of Germany and the EU. In future, an expert council set up by the BMBF, with strategic support from DLR Projektträger, will develop recommendations to this end.

New technologies can tranform our society. As we become more connected, we are improving our ability to work together – both nationally and internationally, and across vast distances. At the same time, however, we are becoming more vulnerable to cyber attacks. Key technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), digital security, microelectronics or robotics are particularly relevant for maintaining and enhancing technological and digital sovereignty, as they form the basis for the innovative development and application of many other technologies.

Against the backdrop of current crisis situations such as the Corona pandemic or Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine as well as efforts to become more independent of China, it is a major concern of the Federal Government to become more technologically independent. To achieve this, Germany and the European Union must be able to develop key technologies themselves and exploit their potential. To ensure this technological sovereignty, DLR Projektträger supports the BMBF in all strategic issues relating to the promotion of research, development and the application of key technologies.

DLR Projektträger team advises BMBF expert council and EU bodies

In 2021, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) established an expert council to develop recommendations for strengthening the technological sovereignty of Germany and the European Union in key fields of technology. With its ten renowned representatives from science, industry and society, whose expertise covers the entire spectrum of key technologies, the council is to ensure that the BMBF's various funding measures have a highly effective impact. As part of its "Technological Sovereignty" mission, DLR Projektträger now fully supports the work of the Council for Technological Sovereignty.

With the Communication "Global Approach to Research and Innovation. Europe's Strategy for International Cooperation in a Changing World", the European Commission has also initiated a Europe-wide dialogue in May 2021. Under the guiding principle of "open strategic autonomy", a paradigm shift has been initiated – towards more value-based, balanced and, if necessary, limited technological and scientific cooperation with the major competing regions, especially China. Our experts are actively involved in the corresponding work in various Council formations: in the Forum on the European Research Area (especially in the new ERA subgroup "Global approach to R&I cooperation", the successor to the "Strategic Forum for International Cooperation") as well as the programme committees of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

It is not only its many years of experience that make DLR Projektträger a sought-after partner of the federal ministries. It is also very familiar with EU instruments, especially collaborative research in industrial clusters, partnership instruments, the European Innovation Council and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. In addition, we accompany and support EU funding topics and the "Important Project of Common European Interest".

Advice and impulses based on many years of experience

With its intensive, resilient national and international connections, DLR Projektträger has been supporting the BMBF at European and international level for many years – as a partner, advisor and catalyst.

Our experts have extensive experience in the entire context of technological sovereignty. On this basis, and by observing the current, scientific and industrial research landscape, our interdisciplinary teams produce targeted information products and potential analyses on new topics relevant to research policy. We formulate statements, make strategic recommendations for action and analyse existing issues. DLR Projektträger also supports the expert council in terms of organisation and content by further developing the research programme.

Main and Other Contacts

Contact at DLR Projektträger

Dr Mohsine Chefki

Dr Mohsine Chefki

Head of Department
Strategies for Key EnablingTechnologies
Society, Innovation, Technology
+49 228 3821 2246