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Arzt, der eine virtuelle Taste zum Thema Krebs drückt.

EU Cancer Mission: New information brochure for researchers

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Cancer can affect anyone - it places an enormous burden on those affected, their families and on society. The European Union's "Cancer Mission" aims to promote new approaches to research and health policy. On behalf of the BMBF, DLR Projektträger provides information and offers researchers a digital brochure that is constantly updated.

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24th May 2022 — Clear and to the point – the new brochure "The Cancer Mission in Horizon Europe" provides a comprehensive overview of the background of the EU Cancer Mission and informs about its funding offers in the area of "cancer". Staff of the DLR Projektträger National Contact Point (NCP) for Health have compiled the brochure on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF). It is particularly interesting for potential applicants. All the brochure’s information, especially the funding topics and calls for proposals, is continuously updated.

Cancer Mission pursuing a holistic approach to funding

Cancer poses major challenges for those affected and at the same time for Europe's health care systems. "Previous research funding and political initiatives on this topic have so far been too fragmented in some cases. The Cancer Mission takes a holistic approach," explains Lydia Kammler, scientific officer of the NCP Health at DLR Projektträger. The aim of the Cancer Mission is to link research, innovation and policy at EU level. For example, various programme components of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon Europe" and activities of the Member States should interact synergistically, and concrete funding opportunities in the area of cancer should be offered. "Researchers in Germany who have questions about the mission and its sometimes complex background are welcome to contact the NCP for Health," says Kammler.

The EU Cancer Mission

Within the framework of "Horizon Europe", five missions are to provide solutions to major challenges facing Europe. One mission addresses the topic of "cancer": new research, treatment and prevention approaches are to prolong and improve the lives of three million people by 2030. Read more about the goals of the "Cancer Mission".

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Cancer Mission closely linked to other EU funding programmes

The new brochure created by the NCPs for Health is aimed at researchers. In addition to the background on the EU Cancer Mission and funding opportunities within the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon Europe", it provides information on other EU initiatives and funding programmes. The brochure also outlines the complex links between the mission and the Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, as well as national strategies such as the BMBF's National Decade against Cancer.

Fund for researchers: Broad-based funding opportunities in the cancer mission

Part of the information in the brochure on funding opportunities are the regular, mostly annual calls for proposals in the Mission Work Programme of "Horizon Europe". They are thematically very broadly positioned and range from prevention and diagnosis to treatment and improving the quality of life. In addition, the brochure lists further funding opportunities and calls for proposals from other programme areas, initiatives and funding programmes that address the topic of cancer and that contribute to the goals of the Cancer Mission.

National Contact Point for Health

On behalf of the BMBF, the National Contact Point for Health provides information on funding opportunities for "Health Projects" in Horizon Europe and assists German applicants with specialised advice. Its tasks also include supporting the BMBF in its committee work in Brussels. More information

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Contact at DLR Projektträger