
The latest news from DLR Projektträger.

Tax research allowance: companies in discussion with the BSFZ

Tax research allowance: companies in discussion with the BSFZ

Since 2020, taxable companies in Germany investing in R&D have been able to receive a tax bonus. Together with three partners, DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT), as the certifying body for the research allowance, checks on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) whether companies are eligible. 

10th March 2022
New funding announcements for medical care are launched

New funding announcements for medical care are launched

Relieving the burden on caregivers, better care for the chronically ill as well as for children and young people, the use of digital assistance systems: Two new funding announcements address such highly topical issues. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is implementing them on behalf of the Innovation Committee at the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA).

7th March 2022
DLR Projektträger moves to new location at Berlin Südkreuz

DLR Projektträger moves to new location at Berlin Südkreuz

Since the end of February, DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) has a new location in Berlin. Gradually, the 240 employees are moving into the new office space at Sachsendamm 61. The offices at Berlin Südkreuz replace the previous Berlin office in the Grenanderhaus in Berlin-Mitte.

3rd March 2022
"Digital Medicine" conference shows highlights & trends

"Digital Medicine" conference shows highlights & trends

New developments in digital medicine, successful application examples and relevant networks in NRW – all this was presented by experts at the annual conference of the Cluster Medizin.NRW. It was organised by DLR-PT, which manages the cluster on behalf of the NRW State Ministry of Culture and Science.

2nd March 2022
5G campus networks as an opportunity for SMEs

5G campus networks as an opportunity for SMEs

The Federal Government is promoting the development of innovative applications for 5G technologies at national and international level. These include 5G campus networks. Two funding measures, which DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is implementing for the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), have now been launched.

22nd February 2022
DLR Projektträger designs website on empirical educational research

DLR Projektträger designs website on empirical educational research

Information and facts about empirical educational research clearly presented – DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) has conceived the new website of the framework programme as well as having designed and implemented it in terms of content, graphics and technology.

17th February 2022
Factor C –: culture in rural areas is being researched

Factor C –: culture in rural areas is being researched

Shaping rural regions as attractive places to live, strengthening structurally weak areas – knowledge of regional culture is essential for these goals. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) has been commissioned by the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) to select, supervise and network corresponding research projects.

17th February 2022
Biodiversity – interface between research and policy ever more important

Biodiversity – interface between research and policy ever more important

With currently 138 member countries, including Germany, the World Biodiversity Council IPBES advises policy-makers on biodiversity issues – a task more relevant than ever, especially given climate change. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) continues to coordinate the implementation of the German IPBES processes on behalf of the BMUV and the BMBF.

9th February 2022
Strategic Foresight — EU values DLR Projektträger's expertise

Strategic Foresight — EU values DLR Projektträger's expertise

With its foresight expertise, DLR-PT is establishing itself as an important partner at EU level. At a high-profile event organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), it was now able to present its expertise in strategic foresight. The next invitation from an EU institution has already been extended.

4th February 2022
Forum Health Research presents indicators for cooperation

Forum Health Research presents indicators for cooperation

Cooperation is essential for successful cutting-edge research. The Health Research Forum, with its office at DLR-PT, has compiled concrete goals and indicators for profitable cooperation schemes, which should help the participating actors to plan and implement their cooperation in a more goal- and success-oriented manner.

3rd February 2022
DLR-PT supporting international future laboratory

DLR-PT supporting international future laboratory

Under the title "REDEFINE Hydrogen Economy (H2E)", the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is bringing together top researchers from all over the world to develop climate-neutral production technologies for green hydrogen in Germany. DLR-PT is coordinating funding management and international public relations.

1st February 2022
Computer games and ideas forum – DLR Projektträger opens "Game Lab"

Computer games and ideas forum – DLR Projektträger opens "Game Lab"

DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) has been implementing the Federal Government's computer games funding since 2019. Part of its mandate is to review the results of completed projects. DLR-PT has now demonstrated what this looks like in the case of computer game projects by opening its "Game Lab".

21st January 2022
Science year 2022 – The Year of Dialogue

Science year 2022 – The Year of Dialogue

Questions for tomorrow's research. The Year of Science 2022 is all about dialogue and is breaking new ground. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is an important partner in the organisation of this unusual, participatory format.

13th January 2022
Ten years of Software Campus – motivating tomorrow’s IT professionals

Ten years of Software Campus – motivating tomorrow’s IT professionals

Promoting IT talents and preparing them for management positions – very successfully accomplished by the Software Campus, a funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) launched ten years ago. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) has been involved as a partner from the very beginning.

1st December 2021
"Quality Offensive Teacher Education" – hybrid 3rd programme congress event

"Quality Offensive Teacher Education" – hybrid 3rd programme congress event

How is the Corona pandemic influencing teacher education? How can new digital learning concepts be implemented in schools and studies in the best possible way? These and other questions were discussed at the programme congress of the "Quality Offensive Teacher Education" organised by DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) on the 22nd and 23rd November 2021.

26th November 2021
New Head of Education, Gender Division: Dr Astrid Fischer

New Head of Education, Gender Division: Dr Astrid Fischer

Since 1st November, Dr Astrid Fischer has been head of the DLR Projektträger Education, Gender Division. With a degree in business education, she succeeds Dr Christian Ganseuer, who is moving to the new Chair of Research and Innovation Management at Koblenz University of Applied Sciences.

24th November 2021
Federal Ministry of Education and Research focuses on digital health

Federal Ministry of Education and Research focuses on digital health

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has commissioned DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) and Projektträger Jülich with the project management of "eHealth, Data Science and Bioethics". Together, they will support BMBF in terms of content and implement measures for personalisation and digitisation in health research.

22nd November 2021
Proceedings of the BMG Symposium "Living Organ Donation"

Proceedings of the BMG Symposium "Living Organ Donation"

Organ donation in Germany is the focus of a broad political and social debate. The conditions for living organ donation are also a controversial issue. A symposium organised by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) examined the pros and cons of a possible expansion of the circle of donors. DLR Projektträger organised and hosted the symposium.

5th November 2021
World Day of Cities: DLR-PT backing communities

World Day of Cities: DLR-PT backing communities

The United Nations has declared the 31st October "World Cities Day". Under the motto "Better City, Better Life", the date has been raising awareness of the opportunities and challenges of sustainable urban development since 2014. In many of its missions, the DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT) supports cities and municipalities on this path.

2nd November 2021
UN Climate Change Conference – DLR-PT taking part in Glasgow discussions

UN Climate Change Conference – DLR-PT taking part in Glasgow discussions

Working together to achieve the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement– this is the motto of the World Climate Conference COP26, which takes place in Glasgow until the 12th November 2021. Christiane Textor from the DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT) will be there advising two German ministries on the negotiations.

2nd November 2021
Modern mobility: DLR-PT as a partner with overarching expertise

Modern mobility: DLR-PT as a partner with overarching expertise

Automated driving and networked systems enable modern mobility. Since 2019, the DLR Project Management Agency (DLR-PT) has been supporting a funding measure of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) to develop and test application-oriented research projects on innovative transport concepts.

18th October 2021
Health research: BMBF invests in the medicine of the future

Health research: BMBF invests in the medicine of the future

DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) will continue to support the Federal Government in the strategic orientation of health research in Germany. This is outlined in the Health Research Framework Programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), whose implementation DLR-PT supports in terms of funding and content.

12th October 2021
Mobile on the move: Film reports from everyday research life

Mobile on the move: Film reports from everyday research life

Sharing its findings with the public – in recent years a task which has become increasingly important for science. The BMBF also considers responsible science communication to be an integral element of the science system and sees it as a particular challenge.

12th October 2021
Working Worlds of the Future – Results of the "Future Works" Project

Working Worlds of the Future – Results of the "Future Works" Project

In the transition to the 22nd century, German working environments will look fundamentally different than they have in the past. But how? Possible future scenarios were presented in Karlsruhe by the "Future Work" project, which was co-ordinated by the DLR Projektträger.

8th October 2021