
The latest news from DLR Projektträger.

Project promoters meet for networking day in Hamburg

Project promoters meet for networking day in Hamburg

On the 2 and 3rd June 2022, the project management organisations that implement research and innovation funding programmes for the Federal Government and the Länder will hold their industry meeting at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg.

2nd June 2022
National IPBES stakeholders meet in Bonn

National IPBES stakeholders meet in Bonn

After more than two years of COVID constraints, the German IPBES Coordination Unit of DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) invites again to the National IPBES Forum in presence. With IPBES experts, national science-based preparations will be further developed for the next IPBES General Assembly, which is to take place in Bonn in July.

1st June 2022
Healthcare in everyday life – DLR Projektträger supports research projects

Healthcare in everyday life – DLR Projektträger supports research projects

The Innovation Committee at the Federal Joint Committee wants to advance the provision of health care for those with statutory health insurance through 32 new research projects. DLR Projektträger is implementing the measure on behalf of the Innovation Committee.

30th May 2022
EU Cancer Mission: New information brochure for researchers

EU Cancer Mission: New information brochure for researchers

Cancer can affect anyone - it places an enormous burden on those affected, their families and on society. The European Union's "Cancer Mission" aims to promote new approaches to research and health policy. On behalf of the BMBF, DLR Projektträger provides information and offers researchers a digital brochure that is constantly updated.

24th May 2022
CDRterra – how can CO2 be removed from the atmosphere?

CDRterra – how can CO2 be removed from the atmosphere?

Germany wants to become greenhouse gas neutral by 2045 and take a leading position in removing CO2. Around 100 scientists discussed CDRterra research in Leipzig from the 18th- 20th May. With expertise and advice from DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT), the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funding this measure on negative emissions.

23rd May 2022
Research in Germany a new short film on Germany as a research location

Research in Germany a new short film on Germany as a research location

Young talent is needed to drive research and innovation forward. The Education and Research Ministry’s "Research in Germany" initiative has now produced a film to help ensure that Germany stays an attractive R&D location in international comparison. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) supervised producing and realising this film from start to finish.

19th May 2022
A day at the Bonn Science Night

A day at the Bonn Science Night

On the 12th and 13th May, DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) presented itself as part of the Science Night organised by the city of Bonn in cooperation with the Rhein-Sieg district. Staff members provided insights into their work with numerous activities. The motto was "sustainable research". A short report of the day.

18th May 2022
Automated driving in real-life conditions

Automated driving in real-life conditions

DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) supports research projects on networked transport concepts that combine individual mobility and public transport. This includes the now completed project "KoMoDnext", which investigated what large-scale networking for road traffic could look like in concrete terms.

12th May 2022
CDR and more – DLR Projektträger presents annual report

CDR and more – DLR Projektträger presents annual report

Removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, smart cities and Long Covid are among the top topics in 2021 annual report of DLR Projektträger.

11th May 2022
DLR Projektträger provides detailed data on careers of medical scientists

DLR Projektträger provides detailed data on careers of medical scientists

A survey conducted by DLR Projektträger for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) reveals more about job profiles and career paths of medical scientists with a doctorate and a permanent position at medical faculties and in non-university health research institutes, providing the first detailed data on this professional group.

4th May 2022
Inquiries – 14,000 questions collected during the Ideas Run

Inquiries – 14,000 questions collected during the Ideas Run

The Ideas Run for the Science Year 2022 ended on the 15th April 2022 under the motto #MeineFragefürdieWissenschaft (My Question for Science). Citizens had the opportunity to actively contribute to topics of science and research policy. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is an important partner in the implementation of this nationwide format.

27th April 2022
Kick-off – EU project on strategic foresight in the Balkans

Kick-off – EU project on strategic foresight in the Balkans

The kick-off for the European Union project POLICY ANSWERS takes place on the 14th April. The project aims to support the Western Balkans on its way into the European Research Area and includes Strategic Foresight to actively shape possible future trends for the region. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is organising training seminars on site.

14th April 2022
Green Talents Award 2022 – application phase for competition started

Green Talents Award 2022 – application phase for competition started

In 2022, 25 young researchers working on "green" solutions for a more sustainable future will again receive the "Green Talents Award" from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMFB). DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is conducting the application phase and the pre-selection of winners and designing and organising the virtual science forum.

13th April 2022
POLICY ANSWERS – supporting research and innovation in the Western Balkans

POLICY ANSWERS – supporting research and innovation in the Western Balkans

The new Europen Union project "POLICY ANSWERS" supports the Western Balkans in their integration into the European Research Area. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is responsible for monitoring and analysing the regional research and innovation systems. It also trains participating partners in strategic foresight.

12th April 2022
Health research – accelerating transfer across Europe

Health research – accelerating transfer across Europe

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) seeks to bring health research innovations to the people faster. It is being implemented via the European Union's Horizon Europe Framework Programme. On behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) supports the initiative and organised the national launch event.

11th April 2022
Long-Covid: BMBF funds research into causes and therapeutic approaches

Long-Covid: BMBF funds research into causes and therapeutic approaches

Many people who have been infected with the coronavirus are struggling with physical and psychological conditions even after the acute illness. Recently, new projects have been launched to research these late effects, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). DLR Projektträger has been commissioned to implement the measure.

7th April 2022
DLR Projektträger trains European diplomats in science diplomacy

DLR Projektträger trains European diplomats in science diplomacy

DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) continues to expand its training expertise. For the first time, it organised a training session on science diplomacy for 68 young European diplomats at the invitation of the European External Action Service.

7th April 2022
"Danube 2022" – promoting cross-border research cooperation

"Danube 2022" – promoting cross-border research cooperation

Until the 30th June, small and medium-sized enterprises and scientific institutions can apply for the EUREKA funding programme "Danube 2022" for cross-border research cooperation. In Germany, DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is taking care of developing and implementing "Danube 2022" on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

6th April 2022
An attractive employer – DLR Projektträger at Career Day

An attractive employer – DLR Projektträger at Career Day

At this year's CoRe-Net Career Day, Dr Anne Lücke informed students and researchers in the health sciences about the many opportunities and prospects of working at DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT). Lücke is head of the "Strategy and Ethics" department in the Health Division of DLR-PT.

5th April 2022
IPCC report – How can the necessary emission reductions be achieved?

IPCC report – How can the necessary emission reductions be achieved?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has presented the third volume of its Sixth Assessment Report. It emphasises the need for rapid and far-reaching greenhouse gas reductions in order to comply with the Paris Climate Agreement. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) was involved in the report’s adoption with the German IPCC Coordination Unit.

4th April 2022
Federal funding scores with German Computer Game Prize

Federal funding scores with German Computer Game Prize

This year's German Computer Game Award will be presented in Munich on the 31st March 2022. Among the nominees this year are games and studios from the Federal Government's computer games funding programme. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT), the only project management agency in Germany active in this field, has been implementing this funding since 2019.

31st March 2022
Status Conference eQualification: fully qualified – a thing of the past

Status Conference eQualification: fully qualified – a thing of the past

Under the motto "Connecting learning and work digitally– on a platter!". every Friday in March became a "market day". Over 500 project participants from the BMBF's "Digital Media in Vocational Education and Training" programme and stakeholders from industry and VET practice attended the event, which was implemented by DLR-Projektträger (DLR-PT).

28th March 2022
People are at the centre of the smart city

People are at the centre of the smart city

Shaping the digital future with people – this is the vision of the Federally funded "Model Projects Smart Cities". In a virtual event from Mayen-Koblenz, 150 municipal stakeholders met for the first regional conference. It was organised by the Coordination and Transfer Office, which is managed by DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT).

24th March 2022
Scientific discoveries with European research infrastructures

Scientific discoveries with European research infrastructures

Research infrastructures such as telescopes play an important role in scientific discoveries. The "European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures" (ESFRI) evaluates these facilities and networks the funding agencies. It was founded 20 years ago. DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is also participating in the anniversary conference in late March.

14th March 2022