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Green Talents Award 2022 – application phase for competition started

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In 2022, 25 young researchers working on "green" solutions for a more sustainable future will again receive the "Green Talents Award" from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMFB). DLR Projektträger (DLR-PT) is conducting the application phase and the pre-selection of winners and designing and organising the virtual science forum.

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13th April 2022 — The top-class sustainability competition "Green Talents" has entered a new round. The competition is aimed at international young scientists working in the field of sustainability research across all disciplines.

Tackling the societal challenges of our time requires international exchange and cooperation. With the Green Talents competition, the BMBF has therefore been promoting the exchange of innovative green ideas and the emergence of international collaborations since 2009. As on previous occasions, DLR-PT has been responsible for organising the competition from the very beginning. It is in charge of designing the annual programme, guiding researchers through the application phase and organising and moderating a virtual science forum lasting several days for the selected Green Talents. In addition, DLR-PT supports the BMBF in the pre-selection of applications.

Green Talent Award – support for "green" young researchers

Under the patronage of Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger, 25 young researchers will be honoured for their "green" ideas. The Green Talents Award are selected by a jury of renowned German experts and are given exclusive access to the top locations of German sustainability research.

Winners of the Green Talents Award will receive a multifaceted package to support their research on sustainability:

  • Invitation to the several-day virtual science forum in October 2022 consisting of:
    • virtual visits to leading German sustainability institutions and companies, who will provide exclusive insights into their work
    • individual meetings with German experts to explore opportunities for research collaborations
    • a wide range of workshops on the SDGs and how to promote your own academic career
    • networking opportunities with other Green Talents, participating alumni and researchers
    • invitation to the high-profile award ceremony with selected guests.
  • A fully funded research stay of up to three months at a German institution of their choice in the following year
  • Exclusive access to the renowned Green Talents alumni network.

The application period ends on the 24th May 2022, 14:00 CEST.
For further information such as application requirements and the form of application, please see the competition flyer and the competition trailer at https://www.greentalents.de/.


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Contact at DLR Projektträger

Romy Wörmann

Romy Wörmann

International Strategies and Instruments
European and International Cooperation
+49 228 3821 1391