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DLR Projektträger advises European Commission on the futures of R&I

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DLR Projektträger joins a consortium of leading European Foresight organisations to provide evidence-informed Foresight advice on trends, scenarios and policy options to institutions of the European Union.

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12th June 2024 — The DLR Projektträger joins the European Foresight-on-Demand (FOD) consortium for the next four years. The consortium advises the European Commission and fourteen other EU organisations on science and technology policy programming. The Foresight-on-Demand framework contract will enable the European Commission to rapidly request and receive future-oriented analyses to improve its anticipatory capacity. This knowledge will be developed by DLR Projektträger and the other consortium partners in co-creative processes such as trend or scenario workshops to guide and support Europe's investment plans in science, technology and innovation. Insights from previous Foresight-on-Demand projects have for example significantly shaped the European Commission's Horizon Europe 2nd Strategic Plan 2025-2027.

As a specialist partner, DLR Projektträger supports the network in advising various EU organisations on how to proactively address long-term challenges and developments such as climate change, digitalisation and globalisation. Past clients of Foresight-on-Demand projects include several European Commission Directorates-General (Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Justice and Consumers, Research and Innovation), as well as other EU agencies and bodies such as the European Environment Agency and Mission Boards.

The DLR Projektträger joins Europe's leading foresight organisations in advising the European Commission

Logo des Konsortiums Foresight on Demand.

The Foresight-on-Demand consortium is led by the Austrian Institute of Technology and includes fifteen core partners, including renowned research and technology organisations and specialised Foresight partners such as DLR Projektträger. With extensive Foresight expertise and experience in working with European clients, the Foresight-on-Demand consortium is well prepared to take on new tasks and projects that will enhance the resilience and agility of European policy-making.

Main and Other Contacts

Contact at DLR Projektträger

Dr Simone Weske

Dr Simone Weske

Head of Department
International Strategies and Instruments
European and International Cooperation
+49 228 3821 1822

Simon Schmitz

Simon Schmitz

International Strategies and Instruments
European and International Cooperation
+49 228 3821 2196