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Brussels FutureTalks am 12. März  2024 Gruppenbild

Brussels FutureTalks: Vocational training in focus

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In the 8th edition of the "Brussels FutureTalks" organised by DLR Projektträger and partners, around 60 experts from vocational education and training (VET), politics and economic and social partners in Europe discussed how European VET can be made more inclusive in order to better manage the transition to a green and digital future.

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13th March 2024 — On 12 March 2024, DLR Projektträger hosted the eighth Brussels FutureTalks event. The discussion entitled "Vocational Education and Training in Europe" took place at the Swiss Representation to the EU in Brussels. The event was a cooperation between DLR Projektträger, SwissCore – the Swiss Contact Office for European Research Innovation and Education – and the Swiss Mission.

Brussels FutureTalks enable lively dialogue

With the European Year of Skills, the European Union (EU) has set itself the ambitious goal of further developing education and training through future-oriented and innovative education and training systems in the EU. This is intended to drive the digital and green transition, improve employment and competitiveness and thus promote economic growth.

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VET has many powers! For example connecting the dots between a variety of stakeholders from labour market and skills provisions at local, regional and national level.

Quotee name
Anna Barbieri
Quotee position
Team Leader in the Unit for vocational education and training (VET) in the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) of the European Commission
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The Brussels FutureTalks event focussed on the question of how vocational education and training in Europe can be shaped to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The participants discussed topics such as Digitilisation, the Green Transition, demographic developments and the shortage of skilled workers. Experts from the EU Commission, national representations, state representations, social partners as well as practitioners and experts from educational institutions took part in the event. The participants took the opportunity to discuss the current state of vocational education and training in Europe – especially with regard to the contribution of the Baltic countries – with decision-makers from politics, to draw lessons from current experiences and to develop joint solutions.

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Vocational training is not just an educational pathway, it is a catalyst for a successful and inclusive future.

Quotee name
Hannes Barske
Quotee position
Head of Department International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training
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Vocational education and training: Important for the European economy

The participants at the event agreed that vocational education and training plays a key role in Europe's competitiveness and social cohesion. In order to master the major social challenges, Europe needs an integrative and innovative development of vocational education and training. Therefore, further investment should be made in the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training in order to secure the next generation of skilled labour. Thus, everyone will be given the opportunity to develop their potential. The nations and the EU might work hand in hand to develop these potentials and leave no one behind. The participants were convinced that strong European alliances play a central role in overcoming silo thinking and providing impetus for long-term decision-making.

Together with its Swiss partners, DLR Projektträger was able to provide new impetus in European and vocational education and training with its Brussels FutureTalks expertise and once again demonstrate that it is a strong partner for the European and international education architecture thanks to its many years of proven experience.

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