Scientific working groups in four thematically bundled site visits

In the run-up to the event, a scientific exchange organised by the BMBF will take place in four working groups on 21 May in the afternoon.

Aim of the scientific exchange

The aim of the afternoon is to discuss highlights on Indo-German research cooperation with regard key questions, both from a scientific and an administrative perspective. The results of the working groups will be presented on the second day in a policy talk and discussed with representatives of the Indian and German ministries.

Key questions for the working groups
  • Which thematic priorities have shaped your bilateral cooperation? Which research topics do you think will determine the future of Indo-German cooperation?
  • What are the main drivers and motivations for cooperation between Germany and India? 
  • How have your Indo-German networks been established? How can this networking be improved further? Which support options have been used?
  • Which projects have been implemented in these priority areas? What contributed to the success of the projects? 
  • In which programs and initiatives were these projects embedded?
  • Which major challenges had to be overcome? Are there specific measures/framework conditions that would help to avoid or mitigate these obstacles in the future?

M.S. Merian-R. Tagore Centre:
Focus of the Merian Centre is on political aspects of historiography, industrial relations, movements for the renewal of democratic systems, norm conflicts, gender relations, and growth and distribution. Further information

Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research - FAIR:
Focus on basic scientific research, physics, based on the four scientific pillars of FAIR.

Further information

Indo-German Science and Technology Centre - IGSTC:
Focus on innovation and application-oriented research, as well as research funding.

Further information

Indo-German Centre for Sustainability - IGCS:

Focus on sustainability and environmental research (especially water, land use, urban development, energy and waste management). The focus is on coastal protection in times of climate change). Further information


International Bureau of the BMBF
at DLR Projektträger

German Aerospace Center (DLR)
European and International Cooperation
Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1
D-53227 Bonn, Germany

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