Market of Opportunities
Within this virtual market of opportunities research intermediary organizations and research funders can present their organisation, their achievements and their programs as well as funding opportunities. The aim is to show the participants opportunities for establishing or continuing Indo-German cooperation.
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)

Contact details
Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
Jean-Paul-Str. 12
53173 Bonn
Tel.: 0228-833-0
Short profile
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is an intermediary organisation for German foreign cultural and educational policy. It sponsors scientists and scholars, irrespective of academic discipline and nationality and strengthens Germany as a research location through international research exchanges. The Foundation maintains an interdisciplinary network of well over 30,000 Humboldtians in more than 140 countries around the world. It supports its sponsorship recipients during their entire lifetimes and actively promotes international understanding, scientific progress and development.
Funding opportunities
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation sponsors academic collaborations between foreign and German researchers by granting research fellowships and awards, tailored to one‘s own individual career situation. → Further information
Successful projects in German-Indian cooperation / networks
With more than 1,500 Humboldt alumni, the network of Humboldtians in India is one of the largest in the global Humboldt Network and with 18 Humboldt Alumni Associations in the country, also one of the most active ones. Around 2,300 researchers from India have been sponsored by AvH since 1953. Within the last five years, 230 scientists and scholars from India have been granted a Humboldt Research Fellowship.
Since 2009, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, have been organizing the Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposia (INDOGFOE). The INDOGFOE Symposia bring together outstanding young researchers of various disciplines of engineering and applied natural sciences of both countries to introduce their areas of research and technical work. They exchange ideas across disciplinary and methodological boundaries, build cross-disciplinary networks, and take the opportunity to work on future Indian-German collaborations.
Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and University Cooperation (BayIND)

Short profile
The Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and Universities (BayIND) is connecting Bavaria and India. Funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences and the Arts, BayIND is a competent partner for bilateral exchanges.
BayIND has been coordinating academic and business exchanges between Bavaria and India since 2008.
BayIND focuses on the higher education sector and also acts as a central service centre for companies from its two locations in Hof and Bangalore.
Funding opportunities
- Funding opportunities for student exchange, internships and small research projects in India
- Support with networks, general information and preparation for India and Bavaria
Current project
- pharmIn² PharmIn2 Project (
The goal of the project pharmIn2 is to export an innovative wastewater treatment technology a3op® developed by project partner up2e! to effectively treat the challenging wastewater generated by the pharmaceutical industry in India.
Completed projects
- T.O.M. - Training on the Move
A project in the field of vocational school exchange together with the Robert Bosch Stiftung and the Goethe-Institut Delhi - BIWIT - Austausch zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft
The BIWIT project supported companies from Bavaria with their inquiries and their demand for information on India and built bridges between business and science as well as between Bavaria and India. - BayIND-ESF
As part of its continuing education activities, BayIND organised fourteen Bavaria-wide events and a publicity campaign via the third-party funded BayIND-ESF project. - NeWaTec
The Indo-German Network for Innovative Water Technologies (NeWaTec) combined the technological expertise of nine German companies in the water and wastewater sector with the knowledge of seven cooperation partners from the university and science sector from Germany and India and was implemented together with Umweltcluster Bayern.
Further information on the completed projects.
Centre for Modern Indian Studies

Contact details
Dr. Sneha Lamba,
Short profile
The Centre for Modern Indian Studies at the University of Göttingen (CeMIS)
India has been a central node in global circuits of cultural exchange and trade for hundreds of years, and has long engaged the attention of European scholars. Home to around 1.3 billion people, India’s importance in global politics, cultural production, and economic activity has increased exponentially over the past three decades. To analyse these profound changes, the University of Göttingen founded the Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) in September 2009. With funding from the state of Lower Saxony, CeMIS has developed into a world-class centre of research and teaching focusing exclusively on this critical part of the globe. CeMIS’ interdisciplinary breadth, thematic focus on difference and inequality in contemporary society, and vast range of intellectual and institutional resources make it unique among Indian Studies centres in Germany, and, indeed, throughout Europe as a whole.
Research at CeMIS
Research at CeMIS focuses on social, economic, political, and cultural developments on the subcontinent. While CeMIS professors come from a range of disciplines – development economics, anthropology, history, political science, and religious studies – they share a thematic commitment to studying India’s ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity, and its myriad forms of social, political, cultural, and economic inequality. Researchers work together in the centre’s five core interdisciplinary areas: Metamorphoses of the Political, Religion, Inequality and Diversity, Labour and Capital in Modern India, and Media and Public Spheres.
Doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and professors conduct individual as well as joint research, host visiting scholars, and hold conferences and workshops in conjunction with national and international partner institutions.
The centres engaging, interdisciplinary environment attracts not only students but also scholars on sabbaticals and fellowships from across the globe.
CeMIS network
CeMIS has established an excellent international network and is continually developing new partnerships with research centres and universities in Europe, India and beyond. These include:
- The International Centre for Advanced Studies “Metamorphoses of the Political” (ICAS:MP) joint research project in New Delhi. Funded by the Federal German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), ICAS:MP is an open, interdisciplinary forum for intellectual exchange that engages with global debates in the social sciences and humanities. The project partners are the Centre for Modern India at the University of Würzburg, the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University of Erfurt, the Max Weber Foundation in Bonn, and the German Historical Institute London (GHIL).
- In the GHP Project on Access to Care for Cardiometabolic Diseases (HPACC), CeMIS collaborates with the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, the University of Heidelberg, and local partners in 27 countries. HPACC is an ambitious attempt to address care for cardiometabolic diseases and their prevention on a global scale.
- Through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) initiative “A New Passage to India” (2010-2023), CeMIS has run an exchange programme for students and researchers from India and Germany. Beginning with four Indian partner institutions from 2010 – 2017, CeMIS had 14 Indian partner institutions in the final phase of the DAAD project from 2019-2023.
CeMIS also works together closely with other research centres on the Göttingen Campus, including the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, the Centre for Modern East Asian Studies, the Transregional and Global Studies Platform, the Department of Human Geography, the Department for Agriculturla Economics, and many others.
Study at CeMIS
There is a close relationship between research and teaching at CeMIS. PhD candidates typically conduct field or archival research in South Asia, where they benefit from CeMIS’ close connections with academic institutions and research centres in the region. Interested PhD candidates should consult the website for detailed information about projects currently being conducted by the research groups.
CeMIS also offers a German-language B.A. and an English-language M.A. programme.
The University of Göttingen
Founded in 1737, the University of Göttingen is internationally renowned for its focus on research-led teaching. Over 40 Nobel prize winners have studied, researched or taught in Göttingen. The University offers a diverse range of subjects, particularly in the Social Sciences and Humanities, and the campus is vibrant and diverse, with 13 percent of the University’s students and 16 percent of its academic staff coming from abroad.
Some selected successful projects in German-Indian cooperation / networks:
- Crisis as catalyst: Covid-19, social citizenship and political transformation in India
- Fostering early childhood development in Bihar
- Impact Evaluation of Gram Varta Initiative in Bihar, India
- Divisions of Labour. Histories of Formalisation and Informalisation in the Transition to Postcolonial India
- Modern India in German Archives,1706-1989 (MIDA)
- Social-Ecological Systems at the Indian Rural-Urban Interface: Functions, Scales, and Dynamics of Transition
- DAAD New Passage to India III: “DE/IN CeMIS”
- The M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies: ‘Metamorphoses of the Political: Comparative Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century’ (ICAS:MP)
- Exploring the Concept of Crisis in Western India
- The Indian Coffee House: a social history of public consumption in postcolonial India
- Space, Capital and Social History in South Asia
- Cheri Histories: Working Lives and the Production of the Neighbourhood in Madras City, 1870-1950
- Work in the Bazaar. The Organization of Work in a Social Milieu beyond State Regulation: India, 1930-2000
Forschungszentrum Juelich (Research Centre Juelich)

Contact details
Short profile
Conducting research for a changing society: This is the mission of more than 7,200 employees working at our centre, including 1200 visiting scientists from 79 countries. We conduct research into the fundamentals, technologies, and systems of a digitized society, a climate-friendly energy system, and a resource-efficient economy. At Jülich, natural, life and engineering sciences in the fields of information, energy, and the bioeconomy are closely linked with our specialist expertise in HPC and benefit from the use of unique scientific infrastructure. We are one of the major interdisciplinary research institutions in Europe and we contribute to solving the major social challenges of our time.
Funding opportunities (Helmholtz Association and Juelich)
- HITEC Graduate School
- HDS-LEE (Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy)
- Helmholtz Research School for Negative Emission Technologies
- Neutron Scattering (2024)
Successful projects in German-Indian cooperation / networks (since 1978)
- STRATOCLIM (2017) Reconstructing high-resolution in-situ vertical carbon dioxide profiles in the sparsely monitored Asian monsoon region.
- EU-FP7 Project AGATA with CSIR-CSGRI Kolkata
- IGSTC Project (2009): CSIR IHBT Palampur and IBG-2/FZJ in Plant Sciences
- BMBF-DBT Project (2019): NIPER Chandigarh and IBG-4. Robust network since 2007
- Scientific networks of excellence with IITs Bombay, Kharagpur, Delhi, Madras, Hyderabad; IISc and Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune in the areas
- of Digital Health, Materials Synthesis and Processing, Electron Microscopy, Integrated Terrestial Systems Research, HPC, Civil Safety Research
Fraunhofer Office India

Contact details
Ms Anandi Iyer
Director - Fraunhofer Office India
405 & 406, Prestige Meridian Towers 2
30 MG Road, Bangalore-560001, India
Tel: +9180 40965008
Short profile
Fraunhofer headquartered in Germany, is the world’s leading applied research organization. With its focus on developing key technologies that are vital for the future and enabling the commercial exploitation of this work by business and industry, Fraunhofer plays a central role in the innovation process. As a pioneer and catalyst for ground-breaking developments and scientific excellence, Fraunhofer helps shape society now and in the future. Its research activities are conducted by 76 Institutes and Research units across locations in Germany. The Fraunhofer employs a staff of 30,800; who are qualified scientists and engineers working with an annual outlay more than 3 billion Euros. Of this sum, 2.6 billion euros is generated through contract research. Our global footprint is very strong with offices and research centres in the USA, Europe and Asia. Some of our renowned innovations are the MP3 format, the white LED, the smallest of cameras. In the field of renewable, Fraunhofer holds the world record in solar cell efficiency, battery storage, and cover the entire spectrum of energy (Grid, Renewables, Storage, etc) across the value chain from materials to testing and certification. Fraunhofer has been active in India since the past several years, bringing innovative technologies and research competence to India. Fraunhofer in India is the chosen R&D and innovation technology partner of some of the major players in the field of Energy, Environment, Automotive, Electro-mobility, Materials, Production Technology and Smart Cities working with Industry, Government and Public Sector.
Funding opportunities
- Research Grant Fraunhofer Attract: - Invites outstanding researchers to develop their ideas towards innovations at Fraunhofer.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Contact details
Short profile
The DAAD is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers awarding grants and scholarships. It is a registered association and its members are German institutions of higher education and student bodies. Its budget is derived mainly from the federal funding for various German ministries and the European Union. The DAAD supports the internationalisation of German universities, promotes German studies and the German language abroad, supports countries in the Global South in building and improving their higher education systems and advises decision makers on education, foreign science and development policy.
Funding opportunities
Germany is highly popular among international students. Find out about the wide range of courses and get tips on studying in Germany Universities & Programmes - DAAD
Individuals can find information on the various types of scholarships in the DAAD database. Scholarship Database - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
Successful projects in German-Indian cooperation / networks
The initiative “A New Passage to India” is one of the DAAD lighthouse programmes in India and funded by the Geman Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Within its framework it has been supporting and reinforcing exchange between Germany and India with great success since 2009. The programme includes four funding components:
- Co-funded Indo-German Partnerships
- Indo-German Higher Education Cooperations
- Working Internships in Science and Engineering (WISE) scholarship programme for individuals
- The Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS) in Chennai
Find more information on the website A New Passage to India - DAAD and our Regional Office in New Delhi Home - DAAD India
German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Short profile
The Leopoldina is a classical scholarly society and has 1,600 members from almost all branches of science. In 2008, the Leopoldina was appointed as the German National Academy of Sciences and, in this capacity, was invested with two major objectives: repre-senting the German scientific community internationally and providing policymakers and the public with science-based advice.
Funding opportunities
India is an important strategic partner country for the Leopoldina. A cooperation agree-ment with the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) was signed in 2007 and has been regularly extended since then. The fact that the Leopoldina has maintained good contacts with India for a long time is also rooted in the fact that: Seven Indian scientists are cur-rently members of the Leopoldina, including former INSA President Prof. Raghavendra Gadagkar.
The central joint activities of INSA and Leopoldina include high-level scientific symposia and Leopoldina INSA Lecture Series with high level speakers, which take place in India and Germany. These events address socially relevant topics e.g.neurosciences, evolution-ary biology and nanomaterials.
INSA and Leopoldina also work together in the "Science20" process, in which the National Academies of the G20 countries develop science-based recommendations for the sum-mits of the heads of state and government of the G20 countries. This process was initiat-ed in 2017 under the German G20 presidency, then coordinated by the Leopoldina. Since then, the Science20 process has been continued annually. As part of India's G20 presi-dency in 2023, the Science20 consultations were held under INSA leadership on the topic of "Disruptive Science for Innovative and Sustainable Development". The focus was on energy and health issues as well as the connection between science, society and culture. The process culminated in an official presentation of the statement to the Indian gov-ernment in Coimbatore in July 2023. In addition, a "G20 Chief Science Advisers Roundtable" (G20-CSAR) was set up in 2023, in which Leopoldina President Gerald Haug participated as Germany's representative. On the Indian side, Prof Ajay Kumar Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India and former INSA President, partic-ipated.
German Research Foundation (DFG)

Contact details
DFG Headoffice Bonn
Kennedyallee 40, 53175 Bonn
DFG Office India
21, Jor Bagh Colony Road, New Delhi 110003, India
Short profile
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) is the central self-governing research funding organisation in Germany. The DFG serves the sciences and humanities and promotes research of the highest quality in all its forms and disciplines at universities and non-university research institutions. The focus is on funding projects developed by the academic community itself in the area of knowledge-driven research.
Moreover, the DFG takes particular care to promote international cooperation, early career researchers, gender equality and diversity in science and the humanities.
Funding opportunities
Eligible individuals, groups or institutions can submit funding proposals to the DFG at any time and on any topic. To this end, the DFG’s funding portfolio includes a broad range of different funding instruments that cover all academic disciplines and all phases of the research process as well as a wide variety of project formats and forms of collaboration and all career stages.
DFG, German Research Foundation - Funding Opportunities
DFG, German Research Foundation - DFG Office India
Successful projects in German-Indian cooperation / networks
Over the last years, the DFG could support a wide variety of Indo-German research projects. Joint calls with the Indian partner agencies DST, DBT, INSA, ICMR and ICSSR led to successful international workshop, bilateral research projects and the exchange of researchers. Additional to that an Indo-German Research unit was supported by DFG and DBT between 2013 and 2023. A collaboration with SERB brought together early career scientists by supporting the Week of the Young researcher in 2022 and 2023. The new joint funding line for International Research Training Groups between DFG and DST will support the next step of international collaboration by funding joint PhD education between the two countries.
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung / FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research

Contact details
Short profile
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany, operates a unique accelerator for heavy ions. Researchers from around the world use this facility for experiments that help them make fascinating discoveries in basic research. In addition, they continually develop new and impressive applications.
Currently the international accelerator facility FAIR – Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research, one of the largest research projects worldwide, is being built at GSI. At FAIR, matter that usually only exists in the depth of space will be produced in a lab for research. Scientists from all over the world will be able to gain new insights into the structure of matter and the evolution of the universe from the Big Bang to the present.
FAIR is being developed and built in cooperation with international partners. GSI itself is the largest shareholder of FAIR, India is an important international partner in the FAIR consortium.
Funding opportunities
GSI/FAIR has been cooperating with Indian institutions at CBM and in the NUSTAR research division in the fields of nuclear structure and nuclear spectroscopy and in the FRS and R3B facilities for a very long time and very successfully in many scientific and instrumentation development. The cooperation is also reflected in a lively request for beam time from Indian groups.
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers

Contact details
Short profile
We are Germany‘s largest research organization and contribute to solving major challenges facing society, science, and the economy through top-level scientific achievements. At Helmholtz, more than 45,000 employees work together in 18 scientific-technical and biological-medical research centers to create extraordinary things. Together, we develop sustainable solutions for the future and cover the entire spectrum from basic to application-oriented research. Our six research fields are Energy; Earth and Environment; Health; Aeronautics; Space and Transport; Matter; and Information. Helmholtz has an annual budget of almost six billion euros and offers scientists unique research infrastructures and large-scale facilities: accelerator systems, research vessels, observatories, state-of-the-art biomedical labs or supercomputers, to name but a few.
Funding opportunities
List of all current calls for applications
Visiting Researcher Grant in Information & Data Science

M.S. Merian – R. Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies ‘Metamorphoses of the Political: Comparative Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century’
Contact details
Dr. Laila Abu-Er-Rub,
Short profile
ICAS:MP is one of the five BMBF-funded Maria Sibylla Merian Centres offering remarkable research results in a number of fields. ICAS:MP aims to generate sustainable research cooperation among leading social science and humanities scholars from India, Germany, and other countries who investigate similar research problems in different world regions. Scholarly exchange and joint exploration within ICAS:MP are defined by a shared interest in examining the shifting boundaries, historically contingent content, and intellectual lineages of the twentieth-century political comparatively. With over 80 permanently associated scholars from India and Germany, ICAS:MP has been a prominent Indo-German collaboration in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The Centre of Advanced Study is located in New Delhi and has funded a large number of residential fellowships for outstanding researchers from all around the world since its inception in 2015 and also ‘feedback Fellowships’ for its Indian members at the German partner instiutions of ICAS:MP (at the Würzburg Centre for Modern India, CeMIS Göttingen, German Historical Institute London/Max Weber Foundation ‘German Humanities Institutes Abroad’ and the Max-Weber-Kolleg/ University of Erfurt). The German partner institutions regularly host workshops joined by the associated Indian scholars and Fellows to bring the centre’s research back to Germany. All Merian Centres are located in the ‘Global South’ and have the aim to i) internationalise German Humanities and Social Sciences, to ii) establish a South-South dialogue by creating links between the centres, and iii) to challenge the US and Anglo-centrism in connected fields of research.
Funding opportunities
Short-Term Fellowships for Researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences:
Successful projects in German-Indian cooperation / networks:
- ICAS:MP has hosted over 90 Fellows at its centre in Delhi in its 6-year long main phase (2015-2024) and managed to increasingly attract not only scholars who have been working with or on India, but a growing number of scholars with a different regional focus. In this regard, ICAS:MP has improved the standing of both Indian and German Humanities and Social Sciences, and Delhi as an attractive location for cutting-edge research.
- ICAS:MP has and is co-organising two symposiums for junior researchers together with the Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies and the DAAD Delhi, one on ‘Resilient Societies’, another one on ‘Migration’ will be held in July.
- With its new research focus ‘Theory from the South’, ICAS:MP aims at contributing to current debates on De(colonization), a topic that is central for all BMBF-funded Merian Centres located in the so-called ‘Global South’. By connecting the debates in India, Mexico, Brazil, Ghana and Tunis, the project can contribute the theorisation in this field from a comparative angle.
Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGCS)

Contact details
Prof. Dr. Klaus Reicherter (Centre Coordinator Germany)
Prof. Dr. Krishna Vasudevan (Centre Coordinator India)
Ms. Lisa van Aalst (Project Coordinator)
Short profile
The IGCS is a flagship project in Indo-German Cooperation and has been established as an inter-governmental initiative in 2010 between IIT Madras and RWTH Aachen University. Since then, the IGCS has been promoting the development of solutions to secure future livelihoods. It is currently funded by the DAAD from the budget of BMBF until the end of 2024. The Indian Department of Science and Technology (DST) is the supporting agency on the Indian side and the Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH acts as an industrial partner. Bringing together experts, researchers, and students from renowned institutions, IGCS fosters a vibrant community committed to address global challenges. Important partners of RWTH Aachen University and IIT Madras are the TU-9 Universities and CAU Kiel. Our collaborative efforts include a wide spectrum of activities, from cutting-edge research projects to impactful policy recommendations and practical solutions in the field of sustainability. IGCS offers a range of funded educational opportunities, including immersive Summer and Winter Schools, workshops, and individual research and internship scholarships, allowing participants to deepen their understanding of sustainability challenges and explore practical solutions. The center also supports joint research projects, promoting cross-border collaboration between India and Germany and knowledge exchange. More than 900 visits have already been sponsored by the IGCS.
Funding opportunities (Helmholtz Association and Juelich)
IGCS provides funding for
- Research scholarships for students and researchers of up to six months in Germany and India
- Internship scholarships for master students of up to three months in Germany and India
- Fully funded Summer- and Winter Schools on Sustainability topics for 30 students with a two weeks programme. Next Summer School in at RWTH Aachen University
- Industry workshop: Annual IGCS-motan workshop on sustainable plastics management, with prize money offered by motan
Flagship Projects of Indo-German cooperation at RWTH Aachen University
Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC)

Contact details
Short profile
The Indo-German Science & Technology Centre (IGSTC) is a joint initiative by the Department of Science & Technology (DST),Government of India and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Government of Germany, established to facilitate Indo-German R&D networking through substantive interactions among government, academia/research system and industries.
Funding opportunities
IGSTC has been supporting several research/academic institutions from India and Germany to catalyse Indo-German strategic R&D partnerships through various programmes. The programmes include projects, fellowships and workshops with a purpose of enhancing applied research, capacity building and networking. Complete information on IGSTC programmes is available at
Flagship Projects of Indo-German cooperation at RWTH Aachen University
- 2+2 projects: 56
- Phase II of 2+2 projects: 4
- Bilateral workshops: 60
- WISER projects: 23+
- Industrial fellowships: 58+18 (in pipeline)
- PECFAR: 21
- Sing: 8
Details available at
Leibniz Association

Contact details
Chausseestraße 111
10115 Berlin
Short profile
The Leibniz Association connects 96 independent non-university research institutions that range in focus from natural, engineering and environmental sciences to economics, spatial and social sciences and the humanities.
Funding opportunities
The Leibniz Association is not a funding organisation.
Successful projects in German-Indian cooperation
Currently, 26 Leibniz Association institutions are cooperating with Indian partners, both with universities and with non-university research and service organisations, with companies and with other partners. This means that around a quarter of all 96 Leibniz Institutes are cooperating with Indian institutions.
The collaborations extend across all sections of the Leibniz Association: A ('Humanities and Educational Research'), B ('Economic and Social Sciences, Spatial Sciences'), C ('Life Sciences'), D ('Mathematics, Natural and Engineering Sciences') and E ('Environmental Sciences').
Furthermore, researchers from several Leibniz Institutes are actively engaged in projects, workshops and other activities of the Indo-German Science and Technology Centre (IGSCTC), the Indo-German Centre for Sustainability (IGSC) and the Merian – Tagore International Centre of Advanced Studies ‘Metamorphoses of the Political’ (ICAS:MP).
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V.

Dr. Christiane Haupt
Renate Bischof-Drewitz
India Office of the Max Planck Society at the DWIH in Delhi since 2014:
Dr. Poonam Sehgal Suri
Short profile
The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft is a German research organization with 31 Nobel Laureates among the ranks of its scientists and with more than 15,000 publications each year. The currently 84 Max Planck Institutes and facilities conduct basic research in the service of the general public in the natural sciences, life sciences, and the humanities.
MPG programmes for Indian scientists
- Max Planck India Partner Groups: for outstanding Indian junior scientists who have returned or are about to return to India following a research residency at a Max Planck Institute of minimum one year; 2024 call will be published in May
- Max Planck India Mobility Grants: a travel grant for excellent Indian scientists from their last year of PhD until 10 years after PhD
- Max Planck Kick-off-Workshops: Funding for joint workshops of MPI scientists and Indian scientists to bring together young scientists from Germany and India
Successful projects in German-Indian cooperation / networks
- Indo-German Max Planck Center for Computer Sciences (Collaboraiton with IIT Delhi)
- Max Planck-NCBS Center on Lipid Research (Collaboration with NCBS Bangalore)
- 85 Max Planck Partner Groups have been established in India in the past 20 years, more than in any other country in the world; the Partner Groups are/ were located in the most prestigious research institutions in India
Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWK)

Contact details
+49 351 564 60012
Short profile
The Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism is responsible for the areas of higher education, science and research in the Free State of Saxony.
The tasks of the State Ministry in the area of higher education, science and research include:
- Promotion of research and teaching at higher education institutions (universities, art colleges, universities of applied sciences, vocational academies)
- Promotion of non-university research institutions (e.g. Max Planck, Helmholtz, Leibniz and Fraunhofer Institutes)
Research institutions and universities within the responsibility of the State Ministry are supported through their own project funding in the area of basic and applied research.
Funding opportunities
- Research projects with partners in Saxony
- Mobility programs for students and researchers between Saxony and India
Successful projects in German-Indian cooperation / networks
- With the Saxon Student Mobility and Science Ambassador Programs, the Free State of Saxony will establish a new mobility program for Saxon and Indian students and researchers in the summer of 2024
- Opening of a Saxon Science Liaison Office in Chennai, India in August 2024
- Establishment of an onboarding campus of the Dresden University of Technology (TUD).
International Bureau of the BMBF
at DLR Projektträger
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
European and International Cooperation
Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1
D-53227 Bonn, Germany
International Bureau of the BMBF
at DLR Projektträger
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
European and International Cooperation
Heinrich-Konen-Str. 1
D-53227 Bonn, Germany