Indo-German Science and Technology Centre - IGSTC:

Focus on innovation and application-oriented research, as well as research funding.


Time Agenda
12.30 PM Assemble at hotel lobby of Welcome Hotel, Darmstadt and briefing
1.00 PM Departure to ETA Factory (venue for workshop) from Hotel by arranged bus
1.30 PM

Arrival at ETA factory

1.30 -1.50 PM Interaction and light refreshments
1.50 – 2.00 PM Presentation about Indo-German S&T Centre
2.00 – 5.30 PM IGSTC Brainstorming workshop
  • 2.00 – 2.15 PM – Introduction and details of the workshop
  • 2.15 – 3.45 PM – Group discussion (Three groups shall be formed to interact and come out with inputs)
  • 3.45 – 4.05 PM – Presentation by group 1
  • 4.05 – 4.25 PM – Presentation by group 2
  • 4.25 – 4.45 PM – Presentation by group 3
  • 4.45 – 5.30 PM – Compiling of discussions
5.30 PM Departure to FAIR / GSI
6.00 – 7.15 PM Workshop feedback session with other groups
7.15 PM Official welcome followed by Dinner
9.00 PM Departure to Hotel

Participants List

Title and Name Institution
Dr. Jitendra Kumar Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC), India
Prof. Cameron Tropea TU Darmstadt, Germany
Prof. Suman Chakraborty IIT Kharagpur, India
Dr. Martin Goller BMBF, Germany
Prof. Henner Hollert Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Tata N Rao IIT Hyderabad, India
Dr. Carlos Lizandara Pueyo BASF, Germany
Dr. Ramanuj Banerjee Embassy of India, Berlin
Dr. Vishal Warke HiMedia Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., India
Mr. Jonas Zielinski ModuleWorks, Germany
Prof. Indumati Nambi IIT Madras, India
Dr. Harshal Agarwal CSIR CECRI, India
Dr. Yamini Mittal CSIR IMMT, India
Ms. Priti Prabhoo SAP, Germany
Mr. Harald Oehler Fraunhofer LBF, Germany
Dr. Ivana Jevtovikj hte GmbH, Germany
Dr. Kala S IIIT Kottayam
Mr. Robert Klarner DLR, Germany
Ms. Olga Schloss BayIND, Germany
Dr Benedikt Fausch Leibniz Association
Dr. Michael Schmischke Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Toursim, Germany
Eva Portius Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Dr P V Lalitha IGSTC, India
Mr. Hans Westphal IGSTC Germany
Mr. R. Madhan IGSTC India

Scientific concept

Brainstorming on future approaches and catalysing of Indo-German initiatives on innovation and applied/industrial research

Date: 21 May 2024
Time: 12:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Venue: ETA-Fabrik, Eugen-Kogon-Straße, 464287 Darmstadt

Scientific Advisors: R. Madhan, Director, IGSTC & Hans Westphal, Head, German office

This year, India and Germany are celebrating the 50th year of the Signing of the Agreement on Scientific Research and Technological Development. Over the past several years, the collaborations in various S&T areas have created successful outcomes for the benefit of both the countries. To commemorate the 50th anniversary celebrations, an event has been organised on 21 – 22 May 2024 at Darmstadt. The event is being coordinated by FAIR/GSI, Darmstadt, Germany.

of the Signing of the Agreement on Scientific Research and Technological Development. Over the past several years, the collaborations in various S&T areas have created successful outcomes for the benefit of both the countries. To commemorate the 50th anniversary celebrations, an event has been organised on 21 – 22 May 2024 at Darmstadt. The event is being coordinated by FAIR/GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. IGSTC Workshop Brainstorming on future approaches and catalysing of Indo-German initiatives on innovation and applied/industrial research Scientific Advisors: R. Madhan, Director, IGSTC & Hans Westphal, Head, German office In connection with the Golden Jubilee celebrations, 4 scientific/thematic workshops will be organized on the 21st May (afternoon) as part of the event and the results will feed into the panel discussions on the next day. Accordingly, IGSTC organizes one of the 4 workshops which shall be a platform to present IGSTC’s contributions and to gauge options to improve IGSTC’s and other funding programmes which aim to support applied research/industrial research.

The IGSTC workshop shall attempt to answer the following:

  • Is the intensity of Indo-German cooperation in industrial research and innovation at a satisfying level or do you see a lot of untapped potential? If you think there is still much potential, what are the main reasons why this has not been exploited already?
  • Which focus areas do you consider as the key ones for the future?
  • What are success factors for a fruitful cooperation and what are challenges? How do we address and reduce the challenges?
  • Is the quantity and quality of governmental support sufficient? Do you see any gaps in the support?
  • If more support is required, do you think that only an increase of the existing programmes is sufficient or do you think the programmes have to be altered or are entirely new programmes required?
  • What could be steps to improve cooperation at implementation & administrative level?
  • Any other aspects relevant to the workshop title?

The participants will be briefed on the following:

  • About IGSTC, Projects/ initiatives that have been implemented at IGSTC, Success stories, Challenges faced – implementation, administrative.

The workshop shall be conducted in the following manner:

  • Form three groups.
  • The groups shall discuss questions mentioned above for approximately 90 min.
  • Individuals may prepare inputs before 21 May (they can also interact with each other).
  • Each group presents for 15-20 minutes.
  • Summarize outcome & build a white paper based on discussions: 45 minutes.
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